Vanguard’s EZCT Automatic CT test sets accurately measure what is going on inside transformers. Their durable automated system can test turns ratio, winding polarity and excitation current without the need for bushing or current transformer removal all using a microprocessor based process. The EZCTs allow simplified testing in the field with results printed using the onboard thermal printer or stored for later retrieval using a PC or laptop.
Vanguard EZCT-10 Automatic CT Test Set
The EZCT-10 uses a heavy-duty transformer to perform the CT excitation test. It is capable of outputting 50 Vac at 10A and 200 Vac at 10A.
Vanguard EZCT-2000A Automated CT Test Set
Test voltage output is automatically raised and lowered by the EZCT-2000A without any operator intervention. With up to 2000 Vac excitation test voltage available, the EZCT-2000A can easily perform excitation tests on very large CT’s.
Vanguard EZCT-2000B Automated CT Test Set
The EZCT-2000B can measure the CT’s secondary burden by injecting a 1A or 5A test current into the load.
Vanguard EZCT-2000C Plus Automated CT Test Set
The EZCT-2000C Plus offers an IR test feature that can also measure the insulation resistance of the CT’s secondary winding using a test voltage up to 1000 Vdc.
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