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High Voltage

High Voltage Inc. ADL-1 Data Logger

Wireless VLF Hipot Data Logging with the High Voltage ADL-1 Data Logger

Most very low frequency (VLF) hipot testers need a computer onsite to monitor the test results and store them for analysis.  However, this can be a hassle especially when you need to bring a lot of electrical test equipment onsite.  Wouldn’t it be nice if you could send the test results wirelessly so other colleagues could collaborate with the diagnostics?  If you demand hipot data logging with convenient wifi connectivity, you will be very interested in High Voltage Inc.’s  ADL-1 Data Logger.

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Find the AC Hipot Test Equipment You Need at Protec

High Voltage ALT-120/60 120kV / 60kV AC HipotFor testing high voltage electrical equipment, AC dielectric test equipment can provide accurate indications of leakage current, in addition to valuable insight regarding the insulating characteristics of electrical apparatus. Using equipment such as an AC high potential test set can help in rapid detection of impending insulation failures and provide assurance that equipment is safe to operate.

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Choosing a Time Domain Reflectometer for Cable Troubleshooting

Megger CFL510F Hand-held Time Domain ReflectometerLocating cable problems through visual inspection, continuity and insulation resistance testing can be difficult and time-consuming especially on long installations. To help you save time, effort and money in troubleshooting cables, consider using a Time Domain Reflectometer. This diagnostic tool is very efficient and accurate because it can help localize the fault from where you are in a matter of seconds. After prelocating the fault, you can then run other diagnostic techniques to verify the defect. Time domain reflectometry is not only effective in finding faults in electrical cables. It can also be used for various installations for cellular, telephone and cable TV installations.

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High Voltage DTS-100D Oil Dielectric Test Set Now for Rent from Protec

High Voltage DTS-100D Oil Dielectric AC Test SetThe High Voltage DTS-100D Oil Dielectric AC Test Set is an Oil/Liquid Dielectric AC tester that provides repeatable and accurate measurement of the breakdown voltage of insulating fluids used in transformers, circuit breakers, bushings, capacitors, etc. It is rugged, reliable, and designed with field use in mind.

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