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Excellent CT Testing with Vanguard’s EZCT Series of Testers

Vanguard EZCT-2000B Automated CT Test SetVanguard’s EZCT series of current transformer testers are designed to be rugged and portable, ideal for industrial and field applications. They can perform the CT excitation, polarity and ratio tests. These testers allow you to test current transformers in their field-mounted configuration. This reduces the need to remove the CT from the host electrical component.

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Vanguard Test Info: Why Use a DLRO (Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter)?

Vanguard Auto-Ohm 100 100A Micro-OhmmeterIf you are reading this blog, it might be because it is time to break out a Micro-Ohmmeter to ensure the reliability of electrical connections throughout your electrical power system. The Vanguard Auto-Ohm is the ideal tool to use when evaluating the integrity of electrical bonds to power system equipment, as well as the contact resistance within the electrical equipment itself.  

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The Vanguard VBT-60, VBT-80 and VBT-80P Vacuum Bottle Testers

Vanguard VBT-80 Vacuum Bottle TesterVacuum interrupters offer several advantages over older arc extinguishing contact systems found in circuit breakers and other types of switch gear. Vacuum breakers have long mechanical and electrical operating life and excellent switching capabilities. These sealed bottles create an envelop of negative pressure that is not conducive to the formation or sustaining of electrical arcs when contacts operate under load.  Additionally, since the contacts are encased in a bottle, they are not exposed to the contaminants found in many of the environments where they are utilized. They are virtually maintenance-free and have operation counts from 5000 to 1000000 before they reach their end of life. However, even if they have long operating lives, vacuum bottles should be tested for defects to avoid problems in the electrical system. 

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Test Circuit Breaker Contact Response Time with Vanguard’s CT Series of Circuit Breaker Timers

Vanguard CT-7500 S2 Circuit Breaker Timer / AnalyzerCircuit breakers have a very critical purpose in an electrical system. They interrupt current if there is an overload in the main line. Their response should be very precise because a slow breaker may be too late to prevent damage in the electrical facility before it trips. A too sensitive and fast breaker may interrupt the current due to a harmless voltage spike. This can be a nuisance because you are always having to investigate the validity of the fault that tripped the breaker.

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Test Circuit Breaker Contact Response Time with Vanguard’s CT Series of Circuit Breaker Timers

Vanguard CT-7500 S2 Circuit Breaker Timer / AnalyzerCircuit breakers have a very critical purpose in an electrical system. They interrupt current if there is an overload in the main line. Their response should be very precise because a slow breaker may be too late to prevent damage in the electrical facility before it trips. A too sensitive and fast breaker may interrupt the current due to a harmless voltage spike. This can be a nuisance because you are always having to investigate the validity of the fault that tripped the breaker.

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Fully Analyze Circuit Breakers with the Vanguard CT-8000 S3

Vanguard CT-8000 S3 Digital Circuit Breaker AnalyzerThe Vanguard CT-8000 S3 Digital Circuit Breaker Analyzer can fully analyze a circuit breaker’s performance by measuring the main contact and resistor contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, bounce back and contact wipes.

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The Vanguard CT-8000 S3 can perform dynamic-resistance tests using a 200-ampere, built-in, DC power supply. One channel is available for performing a dynamic contact resistance test. The resistance measuring range is from 1 micro-ohm to 1,999 micro-ohms.

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