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Heavy Duty Megger DLRO10HD Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter Combines Ruggedness and Accuracy

Megger DLRO10HD 10A Digital Low Resistance OhmmeterAn ohmmeter is an electronic device that measures electrical resistance, such as that of a circuit component. Ohmmeters come with different levels of sensitivity, some are designed to measure low-resistance materials, while others measure higher resistance.

An ohmmeter functions by passing a constant current or voltage though an object, such as voltage from a battery, and then measuring the resulting voltage with an ammeter after it passes through the resistance. The higher resistance the material has, the less current will pass through it. An ohmmeter is typically not used to measure resistance across an entire circuit, but rather through different parts of the circuit, although it can be used to test that a circuit is not broken. Components of a circuit can be removed and tested individually for resistance.

The Megger DLRO10HD 10A Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter combines simplicity of operation with a rugged case designed for stable ground and bench operation.

Powered from either its rechargeable battery or line power, The Megger DLRO10HD, is suitable for continuous testing in production line/repetitive use environments.

Providing significantly enhanced compliance, the Megger DLRO10HD, and is capable of delivering 10 A into measurements up to 250 mΩ and 1 A into measurements up to 2.5 Ω. The duration of each test may be up to 60 seconds.

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This electrical test equipment is available for rent, lease, or purchase from Protec Equipment Resources. We are here to help you with your testing equipment needs.

Protec’s Calibration Lab offers accurate and affordable calibration services for all makes and models of electrical test and measurement equipment. Contact us today for a quote.

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