Designed to perform secondary injection testing on the Static Trip III (STIII) overcurrent tripping system utilized on the RL breaker, the Siemens PTS-5 Secondary Injection Test Set, packaged in a self-contained case, contains a microprocessor controlled constant current source which enables rapid verification of the performance of the STIII.
Directly enter the desired test current on the numeric keypad for easy test configuration, and the self-contained, automatically controlled digital timer allows simple verification of the time-current tripping characteristics. The Siemens PTS-5 also provides a regulated DC voltage to allow functional testing of the tripping actuator.
The incoming power is converted to a filtered and regulated dc bus. From this dc supply, the testing current is generated using a current amplifier regulated by the microprocessor and a precision digital to analog converter. This provides for stable test current even when the incoming line voltage fluctuates, eliminating discrepancies that may occur if a line-derived current source is used for testing.
The test current is applied to the current inputs on the STIII, either by a jumper cable for on-breaker testing, or alternatively, the STIII may be connected to a terminal block on the face of the Siemens PTS-5 for standalone testing, The STIII connection also provides for the trip feedback that stops the clock and the test current automatically.
Siemens PTS-5 Secondary Injection Test Set specifications:
- Input – 120 Volts, 50 or 60 Hz, 15 Amps Maximum
- Output – 0 to 120 Volts, 15 Amps Maximum
- Maximum continuous current on high scale 1.0 Amp
- Maximum continuous current on low scale 0.75 Amp
- DC output for actuator test – 0 to 22 Volts Open Circuit
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