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Rent the Fluke 1750 to Analyze, Diagnose, Keep Equipment Operational

Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power Recorder To fully analyze, diagnose issues and keep equipment operational, power quality surveys are necessary.

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Optimally, monitoring should be done for a full week in order to determine that power is coming in at required levels. Fluke recommends testing insulation to create benchmarks for future and to ensure that equipment maintains operability.

The Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power Recorder testing system offers long term monitoring capabilities and allows users to capture cycles simultaneously so that problems may be found quickly.

The Fluke 1750 offers straightforward conveniences:

  • AC power input and external ground
  • 5 voltage inputs and 5 current inputs
  • Ethernet connection and slot for the 2 gigabyte memory card
  • Single lead voltage connections, one cable per channel
  • Wireless feature allows users to work from a safe distance and read results

Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power Recorder features:

 – IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compliant 3-phase power quality recording 
 – Automated recording of every power quality parameter on every cycle
 – Analyzer software lets you set the thresholds after monitoring
 – Easy set-up with properly identified test probes
 – Internal channel switching capability. You do not need to swap the leads when connections are incorrect
 – Internal memory of 1GB that allows you to store the results for future retrieval
 – Can capture inter-channel and current triggering
 – 5 MegaHertz, 8000 Vpk electrical waveform capture
 – 100BaseT Ethernet connection for data transfer
 – PC software that lets you analyze and create reports

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This electrical test equipment is available for rent, lease, or purchase from Protec Equipment Resources. We are here to help you with your testing equipment needs.

Protec’s Calibration Lab offers accurate and affordable calibration services for all makes and models of electrical test and measurement equipment. Contact us today for a quote.

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