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Rent the DILO SF6 Analyzer for All Routine Circuit Breaker Testing

DILO 3-038R-R303 Zero Emission SF6 AnalyzerAn SF6 electrical circuit breaker operates with SF6 or Sulphur Hexafluoride being carried on its contacts. It works by breaking off the power when the electricity supply exceeds the allowed voltage in order to prevent circuit overload.

Purity of SF6 has a direct influence on the efficiency of the circuit breaker. Efficacy of the breaker is directly related to the purity, therefore testing SF6 gas on a routine basis is recommended.

The DILO 3-038R-R303 Zero Emission SF6 Analyzer with gas return system is a user-friendly and compact device which allows determination of up to six parameters with only one measurement. No SF6 gas is released into the atmosphere.

DILO 3-038R-R303 Zero Emission SF6 Analyzer features:

• 5.7”color touch panel
• Indication of SF6 concentration in volume percent
• Indication of moisture concentration in dew point °C or °F,referred to atmospheric or input pressure, reversible to indication in ppmV, ppmM
• Indication of SO2 concentration in ppmV
• Input pressure indication in bar pa or pe, psi, kPa, MPa
• Transfer of analysis results to USB stick or PC
• Very easy recalibration handling by module exchange
• Automatic identification of sensors residual lifetime.
• Setting of limit values for volume percentage, dewpoint temperature, SO2 and HF
• Menu item in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian
• All measurements taken at Atm. pressure

Rent the DILO 3-038R-R303 Zero Emission SF6 Analyzer from Protec, the electrical test and measurement equipment rental experts.

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DILO SF6 Analyzer Adapter Kit

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This electrical test equipment is available for rent, lease, or purchase from Protec Equipment Resources. We are here to help you with your testing equipment needs.

Protec’s Calibration Lab offers accurate and affordable calibration services for all makes and models of electrical test and measurement equipment. Contact us today for a quote.

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