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Periodic Testing with Doble F6150 Ensures Relays Continue to Perform

Doble F6150 Relay Testing SystemThe function of a protective relay is to detect abnormal power system conditions and initiate appropriate actions, such as the tripping of a circuit breaker. 

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Connected throughout a power system, the main goal of relays is to protect personnel, limit equipment damage, and maintain service stability.

Periodic maintenance and testing is necessary to ensure relays continue to perform adequately for many years after installation.

The Doble F6150 Relay Testing System is a dependable test solution used for testing relay protection systems.

Testing on a variety of relays including ground fault relays, micro-controller based relays, other electromechanical type relays, and ground overcurrent relays (typically difficult to test due to low tap settings and high burden) can be completed using the multiple current ranges of the F6150, as it delivers high power at low current to meet numerous challenges.

Doble F6150 Relay Testing System features: 

  • IEC61850 testing with 3 packets of 9-2 LE communication protocol and station bus messaging – one fiber and one copper IEC61850 communication port
  • Standard relay calibration and verification testing of High Burden and Microprocessor relays
  • Increased amplifier power output and ranges (enhanced ratings)
  • Protection scheme testing using State Simulation and Transient testing: powerful models made available in Protection Suite Software
  • Metering at 0.2 class CTs and Transducers
  • End to End testing of Communication Based Schemes with GPS time syncing
  • 12 Source, (6-Voltage, 6 Current), configurable for Bench testing and proof of concept testing for complicated relaying schemes

Related electrical test equipment available for rent from Protec:

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This electrical test equipment is available for rent, lease, or purchase from Protec Equipment Resources. We are here to help you with your testing equipment needs.

Protec’s Calibration Lab offers accurate and affordable calibration services for all makes and models of electrical test and measurement equipment. Contact us today for a quote.

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