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Four Functional Tests in One Megohmmeter with the AEMC 1026

AEMC 1026 1kV Digital Megohmmeter Measuring the quality of insulation involves checking the insulator’s resistance through the use of a megohmmeter. Acceptable insulator resistance values are typically 1 to 10 megohms, depending on the standards referenced. 

Protec offers the AEMC 1026 a megohmmeter capable of performing accurate and reliable insulation testing.

AEMC was founded in 1976 is an industry leader in current measurement probes, power quality analyzers, ground resistance testers and insulation resistance testers.

Protec carries a full line of AEMC products that includes clamp-on meters, DC Current probes, transformer turn ratio meters, megohmmeters, micro ohmmeters, ground resistance test sets and other electrical test instruments.

The AEMC 1026 1kV Digital Megohmmeter is a compact, lightweight, battery-operated , hand-held meter, providing four functional tests. It is a megohmmeter, DC voltmeter, AC voltmeter, ohmmeter and a continuity tester all in one.

The 1026 Megohmmeter tests at 250V, 500V and 1000V and measures insulation resistance from 1kΩ to 4000MΩ, and features a continuity test range with audible beeper for resistances under 40Ω, and a 600VAC range for safety voltage check.

In addition, the 1026 has an ohmmeter to measure from 0.1Ω to 4000Ω.

AEMC 1026 1kV Digital Megohmmeter features:

• Test voltage combinations of 250V, 500V and 1000V
• Insulation measurements to 4000MΩ
• Resistance measurement to 4000Ω
• Continuity test
• Continuity beeper
• 600VAC/DC test voltage range
• Large, easy-to-read display
• Data hold switch
• Test button may be locked-on for three minutes for hands-free operation
• Automatic discharge when test button is released
• Low battery indication
• Supplied with a soft carrying case and test leads     

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This electrical test equipment is available for rent, lease, or purchase from Protec Equipment Resources. We are here to help you with your testing equipment needs.

Protec’s Calibration Lab offers accurate and affordable calibration services for all makes and models of electrical test and measurement equipment. Contact us today for a quote.

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