The DILO 3-038R-R303 Zero Emission SF6 Analyzer is able to test SF6 purity (vol %), moisture content, and byproducts (SO2).
Via onboard storage vessel and compressor the test gas is captured and pumped back into the switchgear. The user can select pass/fail values for the gas being tested, as well as, the units of measure and save up to 100 test results and names (dates and time are stored automatically).
DILO SF6 Multi-Analyzer technical specifications:
Input pressure: 5 PSI to 130 PSI
Power supply: 90 – 264V / 50 – 60Hz / 10 A
Operating temp: 32°F to 104°F
Dimensions: 8.6”H x 19.7”W x 24.6”D, 44 lbs.
Purity (Vol %) Specification
Measuring range: 0-100%
Accuracy: ± 1 vol.%
Response time: <2 minutes
Flow rate: .3-.5 liters per hour
Moisture Specification
Measuring range: -60 – +10°C
Accuracy: ±2°C (at >-40°C) / ± 3°C (at < -40°C)
Response time: <5 minutes
Flow rate: 16-17 liters per hour
Decomposition Specification
Measuring range: 0-500 PPMv SO2
Display: PPMv
Accuracy: ± 2% from measuring range
Response time: <20 seconds
Flow rate: 1-3 liters per hour
Related electrical test equipment available for rent from Protec:
DILO SF6 Analyzer Adapter Kit
WIKA GA20 SF6 Moisture-Humiditor Analyzer
This electrical test equipment is available for rent, lease, or purchase from Protec Equipment Resources. We are here to help you with your testing equipment needs.
Protec’s Calibration Lab offers accurate and affordable calibration services for all makes and models of electrical test and measurement equipment. Contact us today for a quote.