The Megger MRCT Relay and Current Transformer Tester is a portable unit used to perform demagnetization, ratio, saturation, winding resistance, polarity, phase deviation, and insulation tests on current transformers, and automatically calculates ratio errors, saturation curves, and knee points.
Upgraded to include additional functionality, further enhancing instrument transformer testing capabilities including:
- Optional DC technique for saturation/excitation test
- Optional VT testing capability
- Optional CVT testing capability
The Megger MRCT saves on testing time and increases productivity by providing a microprocessor-controlled variable voltage and current output and precision instrumentation for automatically testing single and multi ratio CTs.
Connect the MRCT directly to multi ratio CT’s and perform the following tests on all taps with the push of a button and without changing leads:
- Saturation
- Ratio and Polarity
- Winding Resistance
- Demagnetization
- CT Burden
- Insulation Resistance
- Relay
Megger MRCT Relay and Current Transformer Tester features:
- Industry leading test duration using patented simultaneous multi-tap measurements reduces testing time by 20% on multi-tap CT’s
- Increased measurement accuracy to support metering class CT testing
- Smallest and lightest 2kV secondary voltage injection unit on the market
- Integrated single phase relay test system
- General purpose substation secondary circuit testing with 300V & 60A generators
- Grouped testing: demagnetization, knee points, ratios, saturation curves, and more
- Measure all ratio’s and saturation curves on multi-tap CT’s with one lead connection
- Built-in insulation resistance testing
Related electrical test equipment available for rent from Protec:
Vanguard EZCT-2000C Plus Automated CT Test Set
Omicron CPC 100 Multi-Functional Primary Test System
Adwel CTX-2000 1200V CT Test Set
This electrical test equipment is available for rent, lease, or purchase from Protec Equipment Resources. We are here to help you with your testing equipment needs.
Protec’s Calibration Lab offers accurate and affordable calibration services for all makes and models of electrical test and measurement equipment. Contact us today for a quote.