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Power Factor Testing

Megger IDAX300 Recently Added to Protec’s Rental Inventory

Megger-IDAX.jpgThe Megger IDAX300 Insulation Diagnostic Analyzer delivers an accurate and reliable condition assessment of insulation in transformers, bushings, generators and cables, while maximizing the outcome of maintenance activities allowing for load and service life optimization.

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The Megger IDAX300 offers the accuracy and ability to provide reliable data using true AC DFR (Dielectric Frequency Response), also known as FDS (Frequency Domain Spectroscopy), for reliable test results in high interference environments.

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Protec Offers Power Factor Test Sets from Doble, Megger and Omicron

Doble M4000 M4100 Power Factor Insulation AnalyzerPower factor tests compare the capacitive current to the resistive current used by a piece of equipment.  If the capacitive current becomes large in relation to the resistive current, it indicates a potential problem with the insulation.  Insulation breakdown often leads to equipment breakdown.

Protec Equipment Resources offers many power factor test sets for rent. These units apply voltage to the conductors while measuring losses to ground. By comparing the results to historical results, abnormal conditions can be easily identified. Further tests can help determine exactly where the problem exists.  
While power factor testing usually involves transformers and breakers, tests can be useful on other types of equipment such as switches, motors and voltage regulators. 

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Safety First with the Doble M4000 and M4100

Doble M4000 M4100 Power Factor Insulation AnalyzerThe Doble M4000 M4100 Power Factor Insulation Analyzer supplies test voltage and test current to insulation apparatus.

The Doble M4000 M4100 Power Factor Insulation Analyzer also contains measuring circuits to determine the condition of the insulation under test, as well as direct control safety circuits to ensure electrical safety of personnel and test instruments.

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Accurate Insulation Assessments with the Megger CB-100 Power Factor Test

Megger CB-100 28V Power Factor Test SetMeasuring power factor and dissipation factor allows technicians to determine insulation reliability and address problems immediately before they cause too much trouble. Unexpected electrical breakdowns add up to labor and equipment replacement costs. To help save you money, you should always schedule maintenance checks regularly. If you don’t have the right equipment, you might to check out the Megger CB-100 power factor tester.

Read More »Accurate Insulation Assessments with the Megger CB-100 Power Factor Test