The AEMC 1026 Digital Megohmmeter tests at 250V, 500V and 1000V and measures insulation resistance from 1kΩ to 4000MΩ, and features a continuity test range with audible beeper for resistances under 40Ω, and a 600VAC range for safety voltage check.
A compact, lightweight, battery-operated, hand-held meter, the AEMC 1026 Digital Megohmmeter provides four functional tests as it is a megohmmeter, DC voltmeter, AC voltmeter, ohmmeter and a continuity tester all in one.
• Test insulation on cables, transformers, motors, insulators and wiring installations
• High resistance or absorption tests
• Spot reading tests
• Timed resistance measurements
• Dielectric (DAR) and polarization (PI) tests
• Low insulation test range for testing old or flooded installations
• Motor insulation resistance measurements
• Continuity checks and low resistance measurements
• Computer controlled production line testing
• Predictive maintenance
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