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An Overview of Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power Recorder

Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power RecorderIf you are searching for a top notch power quality recorder, then the Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power Recorder is a good choice for you.

It can accurately monitor critical equipment, uncover hard-to-find issues and correlate equipment malfunctions with power quality events. Five test leads, color localization set, SD memory card, 400-4A current probes, getting started manual, power cord, product CD and software are some of the accessories that are included with this power quality recorder.

You may purchase it from reputed online stores (like Protec Equipment Resources) and save some bucks by taking advantage of the promotional offers and discounts offered by them. The 1750 is a powerful troubleshooting tool, and is available for rent and lease at our stores.

Fluke power quality tools are known worldwide for their awesome functionality, ease of use, and premium quality. Many of them have received prestigious awards. It has a big list of authorized service centers in various demographic regions across the globe.

If you are in dire need of test equipment for a short span of time then instead of purchasing the electrical test equipment, you may also consider taking it for rent as it will save a lot of money and time.


Related electrical test equipment available for rent from Protec:

Fluke 1735 Three-Phase Power Quality Logger

Fluke 1587/MDT FC Advanced Motor and Drive Troubleshooting Kit

Fluke 810 Vibration Tester

This electrical test equipment is available for rent, lease, or purchase from Protec Equipment Resources. We are here to help you with your testing equipment needs.

Protec’s Calibration Lab offers accurate and affordable calibration services for all makes and models of electrical test and measurement equipment. Contact us today for a quote.

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